Personal Experience with Health and Fitness

My Journey With Health And Fitness

     All my life, I've struggled to fit in at school. Growing up in one of the most depressing states, Pennsylvania, where the weather was always cold, and there was nothing to do but go to the movies or go to the mall, life felt like a perpetual cycle of boredom. As I graduated middle school and began my ascent towards high school, I joined the Varsity Football team and it was the worst experience of my life.

    Despite breaking my back for two full seasons, I never managed to play a single game. I watched my parents sitting in the stands with disappointment in their eyes. At the end of my sophomore year of high school, I moved. I gave up football, and my life began to tailspin. Upon not being able to make friends, heartbreaks with girls', struggles in the classroom, and feeling as if I did not fit in no matter where I was, I dove into a deep depression. It was at that moment I promised myself to become a better person. I started this process at the gym. I worked out nearly every day, I ate right, and I committed myself to be a better person. This, over time, allowed me to feel better about myself and my appearance.

    I became obsessed with fitness. I began to read several different scientific studies on workout methods and proper nutrition. Over the next year, I began to notice myself changing. Fitness and nutrition gave me a passion. It allowed me to wake up every morning with a sense of purpose and belonging. 

   The gym allowed me to meet people that had the same passion that I did. I began, for the first time in my life, to make friends. The next thing I knew, my grades improved, my relationship with my parents got better, and I even became popular in college.

     For the first time in my life, I could honestly say I was happy.  

    Today, as I attend the University of Tampa as a marketing major, I can once again say I have begun to enjoy life. What pushed me to workout was feelings of inadequacy. In my wildest dreams, I never could have envisioned what fitness enabled me to accomplish.

    For anyone who feels abandoned, I would like to tell you that you are not alone for anyone who feels inferior. This blog will serve as a platform for fitness and nutrition insights that I have learned over the years; however, it will also serve as a forum for anyone attempting to make their lives better and happier.

 I hope you will join me!!

- Jake Harris

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"Your body is your temple, keep it sustainable"


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