Benefits of Working Out-Jake Harris

    There are many benefits too getting physical exercise, which I would like to share. Personally, I work out 7 times a week and from personal experience over the past 3 years It's been an amazing adventure. I figured myself out as a person, I felt better about myself, and I'm now starting to figure what I wanna do as a major in college. Working out isn't easy to make a habit of, but the more you do it and push yourself, the easier it becomes. Physical exercise shouldn't be a chore, it should be a hobby and something you can look forward too! I will provide some benefits, that study's and common sense has proven working out has its positives.

Increase Energy levels and reduces fatigue

Helps out with stress and relaxing 

Reduces Weight 

Feeling better about yourself 

    I think the most important reason to workout during this time is because of this pandemic known as COVID-19. Do you have anything to do? Going to get fit is something I look forward to during this time. Especially if you're in quarantine, can't go outside, and all you can do is watch Netflix. There are several different types of home workout videos that I use when I couldn't go to the gym. The video below is a great video I've used several times!




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