
Not Reaching your Fitness Goal?-Jake Harris

      Very commonly people work hard and cannot reach the goals they want to obtain. They try new supplements, steroids, or something such as surgery which isn't the best way to reach a goal. In this post I'll give you several reasons why you're not reaching your goal. I've made some of these mistakes myself so everyone can make mistakes. 1. YOUR LYING TO YOURSELF! For example someones trying to lose weight they're saying, "I've haven't had any junk food in the past month." Questions to ask yourself Am I eating too much? Am I bing eating at night? Do I consider some unnatural foods to be healthy? 2. Your pushing your body too hard! (hard work doesn't always pay off) This is the one I struggled with the most. I always like to max out my strength with whatever I do in the gym. There should be a balance between reps and maxing out. Depending on how your body reacts to 1 repetitions the best athletes will do this once or twice a once at most.  3. Y...

HIIT Training Benefits-Jake Harris

       This is an exercise method I use frequently, instead of powerlifting, bodybuilding, or calisthenics. I wish I were to learn this method much earlier because this benefited me so much. I stayed at the same weight but lost fat and gained muscle at the same time.  My heart beats per minute went from a 80 average to 60 beats per minute. This post will give you the benefits of HIIT  training and at the end I'll explain the method and provide examples! 1. Can burn fat and gain muscle at the same time.  2. Its a faster workout it can take from 45 min-1 hour instead of a 3 hour workout 3. Cardio and weight training at the same time  4. Can be an all body exercise or focused on different muscle groups 5. Lowers blood sugar levels (Question)What is an Example of a hit workout? (Answer) I usually do 3 different 10 minute workouts and take a rest break after each individual one. An example of 1 workout would be 10 pushups, 8 pull-up...

Proper Nutrition-Jake Harris

    There's been many debates over the years on what sort of diet is the best. Popular idea's of diets that have been used are: Keto, Paleo, Carnivore, Vegan, Atkins, and many more. Some of these diets do work for people, but I think none of these diets are  maintainable. For example, if you were to do Keto and you can only have 13 to 0 grams of carbohydrates, would you be able to sustain that for the rest of your life? The answer is likely no, so on this blog I will explain the easiest way to get or maintain good shape! 1. EAT WHEN YOUR HUNGRY When your body tells you that your hungry, that means you need calories If your slightly hungry then have a snack like a banana or a handful of nuts 2. LISTEN TO YOUR BODY If for example your body can't process milk or dairy it's best to avoid it. 3.EAT SMART AND IN MODERATION If you know something isn't healthy, it's probably best not to eat it A Hamburger at McDonalds isn't good for you, but it's ok to have it o...

Benefits of Working Out-Jake Harris

    There are many benefits too getting physical exercise, which I would like to share. Personally, I work out 7 times a week and from personal experience over the past 3 years It's been an amazing adventure. I figured myself out as a person, I felt better about myself, and I'm now starting to figure what I wanna do as a major in college. Working out isn't easy to make a habit of, but the more you do it and push yourself, the easier it becomes. Physical exercise shouldn't be a chore, it should be a hobby and something you can look forward too! I will provide some benefits, that study's and common sense has proven working out has its positives. Increase Energy levels and reduces fatigue Helps out with stress and relaxing  Reduces Weight   Feeling better about yourself      I think the most important reason to workout during this time is because of this pandemic known as COVID-19. Do you have anything to do? Going to ge...

The Dangers of Sugar-Jake Harris

    In everyday eating, the average male consumes around 27 grams of sugar per day. Factories produce sugar through a large amount of processes such as cutting down plants, bleaching, boiling, and chemicals that are used in order to increase its flavor.  (This is just 1 gram of sugar) In a can of soda, around half of the product is made up of sugar. (picture provided)  Sugar is made in several ways such as molasses and brown sugar. None of these different types of sugars are good for you nor natural. Companies and Factories are making billions off just Americans alone just by producing sugar.  Health risks of Sugar  vascular disease diabetes fatty liver disease tooth decay  weakened immune system weight gain  increases aging risk of heart attack or stroke Inflamed kidneys       There's a lot more symptoms of eating sugar, but it would likely cover the whole page. But, sometimes it's okay to have ice cream or...

Top Fats- Jake Harris

    In the United States, foods that contain fat are usually unhealthy in a diet. Food sources such as McDonalds, Burger King,  Hershey, Taco Bell and many others have grown to popularity and explains exactly how the obesity rate in the US is 40%. However, fats are needed in a human diet and are contained in a lot of foods that are completely natural. I'm going to provide some healthy fats that should be included in a diet. 1. AVACADOS Fun Fact: Believe it or not, it's actually a fruit! Nutrition Facts (1 avacado) 322 calories  More Potassium than bananas 4 grams of protein 29 grams of fat  13 grams of dietary fiber   2. ALMONDS Fun Fact: Without Bees there wouldn't be almonds because of Crop Pollination  The calories are meaningless, from personal experience just by having a handful of them will fill me up.  The calories are already provided, but they do contain a lot of protein and fibers! 3. PISTACHIOS (probably my favorite of this list) F...

Personal Experience with Health and Fitness

    My Journey With Health And Fitness        All my life, I've struggled to fit in at school. Growing up in one of the most depressing states, Pennsylvania, where the weather was always cold, and there was nothing to do but go to the movies or go to the mall, life felt like a perpetual cycle of boredom. As I graduated middle school and began my ascent towards high school, I joined the Varsity Football team and it was the worst experience of my life.      Despite breaking my back for two full seasons, I never managed to play a single game. I watched my parents sitting in the stands with disappointment in their eyes. At the end of my sophomore year of high school, I moved. I gave up football, and my life began to tailspin. Upon not being able to make friends, heartbreaks with girls', struggles in the classroom, and feeling as if I did not fit in no matter where I was, I dove into a deep depression. It was at that moment I promised myself ...